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Here's Johnny!

Jul 29, 2019

In order to formally introduce our audience to our sister show, we have on Caitlin and Nicole from the That's Not How Science Works Podcast (https://thatsnotscience.comto review Paul W.S. Anderson's "Event Horizon"! The movie is cult classic and despite its troubled production has certainly earned a special place in...

Jul 22, 2019

With no big horror games releasing this summer and a burning desire to continue into the Silent Hill franchise, for our summer blockbuster game we are reviewing Konami's follow up to the survival horror classic! We are joined by Whitney Chavis, a huge fan of the franchise & someone with more knowledge on these...

Jul 15, 2019

With Justin not being able to see the film, Rachel of the Zombie Grrlz Podcast ( ) stepped into to fill the void!! We break down in great detail Ari Aster's sophomore effort, as well as discussing Larry's disdain of cats, the importance of your public library, alternative IT castings, "The...

Jul 8, 2019

After tackling the 1988 original we are finally ready to review the 2019 remake! How will April Ludgate fair against the Joker? Will the detective in this film be as terrible as he was in the original? How much will we end up missing Charles Lee Ray by the end of the movie? Listen to find out... Next week we will...

Jul 1, 2019

To kick off our summer season, we are reviewing Tom Holland's "Child's Play" to prepare to review the 2019 remake/re-imagining. Larry lays out the case for why Chucky is on the Mount Rushmore of horror villains, we discuss why Detective Harris is the worst cop of all time, and somehow TLJ gets brought up!! Please leave...